吉隆坡总教区牧民大会 / APA (Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly)

Home ACLAC 新闻 吉隆坡总教区牧民大会 / APA (Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly)

来临的  14/10,本教区 – 吉隆坡总教区(KL Archdiocese)将会举行牧民大会APA (Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly)。




Lord Jesus Christ ,We thank you for your love and generosity that you have given to the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur.



As we come together as church, bless our assembly with our Archbishop, Clergy and all the delegates of the respective parish communities and diocesan ministries.



We ask you Lord, to help us to recognise all our needs and guide us to discern new paths to self-discovery.



Inspire us to follow you more closely and to accompany our fellow brothers and sisters, as you unite us in joy and hope.



Lord, we entrust our Archdiocese into your hands, we ask you to lead us as we rebuild our church, growing in your love and walking in your light.


